Read all about our sustainability goals and the work we do to reach them. The vision from the start has always been clear, we want to create a sustainable fashion brand that contributes to the environmental health and the wellbeing of the women of the world.

UN agenda 2030
Read how our concept is on compliance with the UN goals for 2030.
The Global Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development seek to end poverty and hunger, realise the human rights of all, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources.

How does Studio Heijne work towards these goals?
There are 17 UN goals. We have picked the 3 goals which are naturally close to our business concept within the fashion industry and which we choose to focus on. Underneath you can read about the 3 goals we picked and how Studio Heijne works with them.

The transition to sustainable consumption and production of goods is necessary to reduce our negative impact on the climate, environment and human health. Goal 12 has a strong connection to Studio Heijne. Read more about how we work closely with the goal here:
- Custom-made garments: Guarantee that the garment fits properly from the beginning.
- Design for a long life-time: Studio Heijne has a minimalistic style, we design to survive trends. We use high quality fabrics which will last.
- Value for the garment: We aim to create clothing with a higher value for our customer by offering personalization. With a perfect fitting, personalized garment the changes are bigger that our customers will take care of Heijne garments carefully and wear them during a long time.

- Care guides: We help, support our customer to extend the lifetime for a garment and therefore we sell garment care products, we try to educate customer with different care guides.

GOAL 9: Industry innovation and infrastructure
The main goal of industry innovation and infrastructure is build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Read more how Studio Heijne works towards this goal:
- Fashion industry: Our aim is to challenge the status quo within the fashion industry and change the way garments are produced. From mass produced garments to flexible production on-demand.
- Digitalizing: We working on digitalizing and automizing our value chain. We have attached the sketch of our vision here:

GOAL 10 – Reduced Inequalities

The main purpose for goal 10 are reducing inequalities. Read more how Studio Heijne works towards this goal:
- No size limit. We are a brand inclusive for all female bodies. Studio Heijne support all bodys types.
- There is always a solution. Studio Heijne will always offer opportunities and solutions when you buy a garment from us, it should not be difficult to find the perfect size.
- We have no standard sizes in our range, only your own size. You decide how you want the garment to fit on your body.
- Diversity. Studio Heijne aims to use models with different sizes and shapes, as well as different cultural backgrounds.

Short- and long term goals at Studio Heijne
Here you can read all about our goals to be more sustainable and be the best brand we can be to make the planet a better place.

Our Long term goals:
- By 2030 we want to be 100% climate neutral.
- By 2030, 100% of our fabrics will de durable (priority and good fabrics, see our material guide).
- By 2028 we want to have a completed digitalized, automatized value chain.

Our Short term goals
All this actions will be completed before the end of 2023.
- Stop using new plastic packaging from supplier deliveries and replace it with a more sustainable material.
- Reduce our use of so-called “bad” fabric to 0%.
- Confirm our Code of conduct to Studio Heijnes suppliers.
- In June 2022, Studio Heijne became a member of the Sustainable brand platform, from this platform we can achieve:
- Calculate our carbon footprint.
- Calculate our life cycle assessment calculator to understand how products perform across multiple environmental indicators.
- After completing our calculations above we will be able to identify the areas which we need to improve to be able to reach our long term goals.
Actions that we have taken so far:
- We only use recycled polyester for all our garment labels, our hang tags are made from recycled paper.
- We only produce on-demand to minimize waste.
- We choose to have our clothing production in Europe so we easily can visit our producer and control the production conditions.
- We only use natural buttons for example: corozo buttons, which are made from the seeds of the tagua palm tree. We don’t use plastic buttons.
- Our business concept individualize garments, both in size and detail combined high customer service leads to low return. We only have 2% returns, compared with industry average of 50-70%. Low returns means smaller transport distance, which leads to less carbon dioxide emissions.
- We choose our suppliers who share the same values, have good social working conditions for their employees and actively work with developing more sustainable products.
- We ship with DHL and always with climate compensated green shipping.
- We offer garment adjustment service.
- We offer rental services on all our in stock garments.
- We have newly added a recycling service for recycling our garments. The garment will be collected by our recycling partner Ninyes and sold on their second hand market place.
“All styles are customizable and made in your personal size”
– Studio Heijne