Sustainable production
Every year 45 billion garments end up in outlets and landfill due to overproduction.
This is about 30% of the produced garments. What a waste!
We only sew when we receive an order, which means we never over produce. We don’t have to have to sit on an unsustainably large inventory and we have less wast. Further more we have full transparency in our production, which guarantees that your clothes are made in a nice way. Meet the people behind your clothes here.
Every woman’s body is unique and finding the right size can be a challenge. Research has shown that about 50% of women struggle to find the right fit. At Heijne, you will get the perfect fitting garment without worrying about finding the right size. Our garments can be ordered made-to-measure, which means that we adjust the fit to your personal size, length and curves.
Clothes that really fit get used more and longer. That means that you can spend more of your time looking really good and less on shopping for too much that doesn’t fit.
Did you know that the average return rate with fashion e-commerce lies around 30-70%, depending on the product and brand? Such a hassle with trying out different styles to find the right fit and dealing with returning packages!
Fortunately we offer the solution: custom-fit instead for standard sizes! Because in comparison Studio Heijne has a return rate lower than 2%! So, no boring returns, instead save both time AND environment.
More sustainable materials
Approximately 90% of our collection exists out of natural fabrics. Natural fibers are capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms and thereby avoiding pollution. In the end of the life cycle, they will always return to nature. In contrast synthetic fabrics (such as polyester) stay in the loop forever and pollute our waters and bodies.
If possible we work with certified fabrics, such as organic cotton.
In addition, approximately 20% of our collection is made of dead stock qualities. This are qualities which are overproduced by another brand or factory. Some call it also upcycling or recycling. We use these qualities in our collection and therefore don’t need to produce new qualities. That saves energy and resources!
Read more about our fabrics here.
We source our own materials and trims and select our sources carefully. We try to be fully transparant, which mean that we share all information with you, so you can check our partners.
Each product has a Sustainability Tab, where you can find information, such as where the fabric comes from, who produces that garment and why this specific product is a better choice for the environment.
UN goals
We actively work with the The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, developed by the UN. The goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Read more about our goals here.
Repair & Recycling
We think the most sustainable clothes are the ones being used over and over again. That’s why we offer a repair and remake service.
Find the remake service here and the repair service here.
If your garment is in the end of the life cycle for you, it might be time for someone else to enjoy your garment. We will help you with recycling your garment. Our recycling partner is Ninyes, Europe’s first and only marketplace for used, responsibly produced clothes. At Ninyes you can also find the best, curated Studio Heijne second hand collection. Read about how to recycle here.