Sustainable, Custom fitted & 30 days open purchase

Adjustment service

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* Current production time 10-14 days. * 30 days open purchase

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With our garment adjustment service you can wear your garment longer.

Is the waist of your trousers too big? Or do you want your dress or trousers shorter? Should the pipes of your trousers be smaller? No problem, we are happy to fix all kinds of improvements and update your garment, so you can wear it again.

Which steps to take?

  1. Choose the type of change you want from the meny.
  2. Add to cart and finish your purchase.
  3. After ordering you will get an auto email with s few questions about the changes you want. Answer this email 🙂
  4. Prepare the garments with pins or notes if you like to complement the written description with extra information. Follow the guide below to describe exactly what you want us to change.
  5. Pack you package with the garment. Use for example an old plastic shopping bag . Tape and close.
  6. After answering our email with questions, you will automatically receive an email with a QR code. Show the QR code your nearest Post office and leave your package there.
  7. Within in 14 days you will get the package back with the changes made.

Read here our guide on how to describe the changes you want:

How do I communicate the changes? Put the garment in flat on the ground/table in front of you and measure the changes, write them down. If you have pins, please pin them in your garments at the exact place for changes. You can also draw on the inside of you dress with a pencil. If you have an example garments which has good measurements and you want us to copy these measurement, please add it in your package and describe which part you want the same.

How do I shorten the length? Write centimeters or mark with a pin/tape/pen where you want the garment to end. Any folds & zippers we will have in mind when shortening the garment. In other words: Just mark where you want the leg/sleeve to end, the rest we solve.

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

A sustainable business model

Our aim is to build a sustainable business. It all starts with our business concept of producing on demand. This means that we only produce this garment when a customer has ordered it. We don’t mass produce and never over-produce either. We know that 30% of the garments in stores are over produced from the start end up in landfill. That’s why we are determined to our custom-fit & production on demand approach.

When it comes to each product, we are aiming to be transparent about the way it’s produced and where the fabrics come from.

The Production:

This design is crafted by our skilled seamstresses in our atelier in Lithuania. We have visited the atelier numerous times and have a great collaboration. The employees work in very good conditions and get a decent salary.


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