Studio Heijne’s goal has alway been to build a fashion future orientated brand.
That is why we offer personalized fashion in individual sizing. Because standard are so LAST CENTURY and, BTW, who wants to be standard?
It is also the reason why we produce in a more sustainable way (on demand, you know by now that that means much less waste and overproduction 💡) And it is also the reason why we now introduce digital fashion.

As the next step towards The Fashion Future we are therefor happy to introduce our first digital garments. We have hand picked garments of our collection and digitized them. You can try them on virtually and play with different looks and styles using a app called Zepeto.

We don’t know the answer to that question yet. But what we do know is that it’s so much quicker, cheaper and maybe even more fun (aren’t the avatars too cute!) to dress with virtual clothing. You can try many different styles, without having to cope with a overfull wardrobe. You don’t have to worry about fitting either, because the size of your digital clothing adjusts to your avatar. (almost as good as our personalized REAL garments).

Further more we also know that digital fashion does leave a much smaller carbon footprint, compared to real clothes.
Of course digital clothes don’t keep you warm. But we see them as the perfect way to experiment and play with style, but without having to over consume fast fashion. In this way digital fashion can help us living more sustainable, while stil be able to experiment with different styles and looks.
Read more about our sustainable concept here

What do you think? Would you like to try dressing up virtually?
And you would you consider it a fun and more sustainable way to experiment with style?
I am curious to hear what you think! Let us know what you think by leaving a comment. We would love to chat with you regarding this subject.