Pink, either you love it, or you hate it
At Studio Heijne we love pink! Because it stands for femininity and has been used as a symbol by human rights movements such as Pussy Hats Project. It’s a modern color reflecting our zeitgeist. For me pink represents a feminist view on equality (both for women and men) and a strong but friendly female force.

Short history of pink
Pink was seen as a shade of red for centuries ago. Light-red, as it was called then, has long been a symbol for manliness, because it was associated with the god of war called Mars.
It wasn’t until the beginning of the 20th century that the color pink started to represent femininity. But soon the symbolic value went down, and pink started to link with childishness and girly instead. Unfortunately, it lost status and became a difficult color to relate to between the 30ties and 80ties.

The rise of pink
It started to change again in the nineties. Power comes slowly back in the symbolic value of color pink. American Riot GRRRL (underground feminist movement) dressed in pink for example. Furthermore, pink became a color representing the fight against breath cancer. And recently it became the color of the knitted hats from the earlier named Pussy Hats project while protesting against Trump becoming president.
Now pink has become a symbol for Women on the way up from an economic, cultural and political point of view.

The meaning of pink 2019.
Since pink is a combination of red and white, both colors add a little to its characteristics. It gets the lust for action from the red color, and the white color gives it an opportunity to achieve success and insight. Passion and power from the color red, softened with the purity and openness of the white color completes pink color meaning. The deeper the pink color, the more passion and energy it radiates.

Pink has been in fashion for some seasons now, from strong pink to pastel pink. As a result, we see pink more and more as common color around us. In interiors for example and of course on garments.
At Studio Heijne we are not done with pink yet for sure! We have many products in the this beautiful color, from belts to scarves and silk dresses.
How do you feel about pink?
Let me know in the comment field under the blog!
Love Wendy