A step-for-step scarf guide
We share our practical step-for-step guide on how to master tying your scarf. Here you can find tips for small silk scarves tied around your neck or hair, as well as bigger scarves draped around your neck. From the easiest knot to more complicated draping, find your favorite styling in our guide with explanation and drawings for each step to take. Easy explained, therefor everyone can try it.

Trend: scarves in your hair
Moreover we have a special section for small scarves to tie in your hair. If you are especially interested in hairstyling with scarves I recommend reading this blog for numerous of hairstyling with silk scarves. (any material works of course).
In our new step-for step guide you can find even more inspirational styles with silk scarves tied and wrapped in your hair. Click on the picture beneath to go directly to the guide.

Extra styling tips for big silk scarves.
With big scarves you can do so much more than tying them around your neck. Although this is one of my favorite things to do (because easy, stylish and fast) sometimes I use scarves for other types of draping and styling. They work great as tied and draped dress or skirt over your bikini for example. We wrote styling tips story for a while ago with big scarves. Read the Big Scarves Style Tips for even more inspiration.
Don’t you own a gorgeous Heijne silk scarf yet? See our collection by clicking on the link and find your favorite…